Fred Whitton
Fred Whitton
2006 – I remember getting a series of lifts with my disassembled bike to cadge a lift up there. Everyone I was with were much faster than me and I kind of delayed their departure as I took my time (not that I dawdled, just that was the best I could do). I rode my Jones One ATB fitted with 700c tyres, and 1 x 9 (or so but I seem to remember I couldn’t use the lowest gear) which got me up Hardknott (although there were a few hills before then that tested me more) and I span out on the A591 on the way to Keswick. Some pure roadies I overtook were up themselves enough to then not acknowledge me at all as they passed me on the next incline. Oh well, I had fun (I think). Quite a test.
Concentrate, here’s the science bit – starting and finishing in Grasmere, the route is 183 kilometres (114 mi) long, with 3,950 metres (12,960 ft) elevation gain (thank you wikipedia). So if (big if) I lifted myself at a constant speed (yeah, right!) then work done is 3948420 joules. That makes me a millionaire (or a chunky cyclist). I do like the Lake District (especially the quieter bits, off-peak).