Jim Walker
Jim Walker
Jim Walker, bicycle distributors. Local to me (as it happens) and I designed their catalogue. This is 2005 but pretty sure I did another year (perhaps two) too. No matter. Some nifty product layouts here. Some cross-pollination with a snippet of editorial from The Outcast in there too (got to love Frog pedals – RIP). The 2005 edition certainly has a lovely feel to it. Always good when the opinions and considered choices of the people behind the products comes through in the words and pictures. Cycling marketing isn’t just about regurgitating press-releases. It’s discerning choices and actually wanting/liking the products you sell. It’s not margins and units. Although there are a few too many of the latter meandering about.
And a contra deal here too. I got paid money but also they helped me with a rather lovely De Rosa Neo Primato. Still got it (sadly had to let the Yeti Road Project go) and it’s lovely. Did an étape on it – although it’s not about the bike. Well, maybe a little.