Life’s a Bitch sticker

Life’s a Bitch sticker


A twist on the trusted version – ain’t no beach, that’s for sure. This is a variation on the ‘original’ sticker, and not for a moment denigrating the need to look after our canine friends, but this isn’t about them, it’s about us and life.

SKU: STK-LAB Categories: , Tags: , , ,

Sticker – two versions (window and bumper) so bases covered. The bumper version gets around all that (rose-)tinted glass cars have these days. That’s a whole other story – seismic shift needed, not the sighs and mickey-taking. I can talk – brrm brrm! Sticker shipping (UK) is a flat £3 regardless of how many you buy.

Additional information

window sticker

– it goes inside the car to be read through the glass.

bumper sticker

– goes on the bumper or elsewhere, like a 'normal' sticker.