ALAUGH sticker
ALAUGH sticker
Another Panda 100HP specific sticker but only to have a gentle dig at the Abarth brigade. Some people can take things a little too seriously. And then again, some people might think I’m a daft pillock. Each to their own. I’ll have my fun and hopefully not upset too many people along the way. If you want to join in with my ‘not so serious’ take then this sticker might work for you. Currently a small ‘door under the wingmirror or front wing’ size.I have bigger, although not the full-car size – someone wasn’t too impressed at the costof a big set (tricky when you’re production run is ‘a few’). Contact me if you want specifics.
12 in stock
Easy peel, quality sticker. This is for a pair (left and right). Do ask if you want some other size.
Sticker shipping (UK) is a flat £3 regardless of how many you buy (although I might take a hit on these).