A secure service for GMC-registered doctors on the internet. Back when all this digital stuff started. All it had everything; web-based email, forums, a library, educational resources, news feeds, the lot – and then some. Membership grew and with it the opportunity for partnerships (and revenue). So as well as the very comprehensive, and award-winning, online service (and all the brand identity, printed material and promotional imagery) I worked with pharmaceutical companies and government agencies as they looked to communicate their offerings, projects and policies to our members. I was Creative Director (and paint monkey) – I worked my socks off. It was good. May 1998 to July 2007 – I learned alot. was my brother's dream. He tends to dream in practicalities I think and the impossible was very quickly matched by very real investment and office space and a undeniably (brilliantly) useful service for UK doctors came about. I was there at the 'back of an envelope' sketches stage and together, me and Neil’s team created everything. In the beginning there were four staff and no members. When I left there were 35 staff and 120,000 doctors using the service – it was quite a journey. I look to add some ‘screenshots’ of the actual service at some point. Here is just some printed material (adverts and a newsletter).