Jones Bicycles

Jones Bicycles

My involvement with Sheila and Jeff at Jones Bikes (Oregon, USA) was huge. It started with a handlebar review for The Outcast and one thing lead to a million. I was fortunate enough to have Jeff build me a bike and then our careers intertwined as my design skills, writing capabilities and bicycle experiences met his creativity and and business objectives. I began with adverts (and H-bar importing) and it grew to websites, brochures, product information sheets, decals, logos, exhibition stands/panels etc etc etc (and bicycle, frameset and component importing). And in there we fitted some SSWC trips and North American adventures. It ended with BRexit and Covid and a divergence of personal objectives but it was very good for many years. I’m proud of the voice and clarity I created. Jones Bikes are as unique as their creator and he was (is) a genuine innovator, not a bandwagon jumper (and certainly not a business man – too many of them ruining the ride, but then they’ll tell me it’s a dog eat dog world). They’re welcome to it.

I’ll add some more pictures here over time. Much to catalogue.