

A finished post – wow! This is my web site. This is my child. It will need feeding and nurturing. It won’t learn from me. I might (should) learn from it. I will learn about human nature from the delightful and infuriating people (out there) who choose to visit,...


This is my “what the fuckenberg?” dislike of facebook and instagram. Such a shame – it could have been good (and is to some extent) but it opted overall for easy (heaps of) money and the breakdown of society over a net positive contribution. I’ll...
Panda Track Days

Panda Track Days

Silly little fun thing! Yes, more text to come, filler for now… adipiscing elit. Morbi gravida sollicitudin egestas. Ut lobortis eros vitae mauris cursus, vel faucibus turpis volutpat. Duis aliquam eu nibh non molestie. Sed pretium sit amet tellus eu pellentesque. In...
Without question there is mediocrity

Without question there is mediocrity

More text to come, filler for now… This is dummy copy… quo quati te everum con et explique nihit et faccum etusam, sitam eatinit faccat mossini menetur? Quiam fugias molor ab intis verferum explis volore reptaque laccupt atecuptusdae consequo conseque pra dolorer...
‘Not-indicating’ – a capital offence?

‘Not-indicating’ – a capital offence?

Can I be semi-serious about this? Without being charged with a ‘hate crime’ (there’s another rant right there). I digress… more text to come, filler for now… consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi gravida sollicitudin egestas. Ut lobortis eros vitae...
Save yourselves…

Save yourselves…

Not really saving saving. It just costs less. More text to come, filler for now… adipiscing elit. Morbi gravida sollicitudin egestas. Ut lobortis eros vitae mauris cursus, vel faucibus turpis volutpat. Duis aliquam eu nibh non molestie. Sed pretium sit amet tellus eu...